The Patriot Corner

  • Missing Vietnam War Pilot Identified After 57 Years

    Major John C.G. Kerr, missing since 1967, has finally been identified by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. Kerr, a U.S. Air Force pilot, vanished during a nighttime reconnaissance mission over Laos. Recent discoveries near the crash site confirmed his remains, bringing closure to his family and honoring his sacrifice.
  • Honoring a Fallen Hero: Virginia K9 Rivan Killed Protecting Handler and Inmate

    In a tragic incident at Sussex State Prison, K9 Officer Rivan valiantly intervened to protect his handler and an inmate during a violent assault. His heroic actions saved lives but cost him his own.

  • World War II Soldier Identified After Nearly 80 Years: Sgt. John O. Herrick

    After nearly 80 years, Sgt. John O. Herrick, a missing World War II soldier, was recently identified by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA). Through scientific advancements, Sgt. Herrick will be honored with a proper burial, bringing closure to his family and recognizing his ultimate sacrifice for his country.

  • James Madison: The Father of the Constitution and Champion of Liberty

    Explore the remarkable life and contributions of James Madison. He championed the Bill of Rights, safeguarding individual liberties like freedom of speech and religion. Discover how his legacy shapes democracy to this day.
  • Fire and Finance: Powerful Quotes by Alexander Hamilton

    Explore the profound wisdom of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. His fiery passion and insightful quotes on power, liberty, and human nature continue to resonate today.
  • Firebrand for Freedom: Powerful Quotes by Thomas Paine

    Explore the fiery rhetoric and timeless wisdom of Thomas Paine, a revolutionary thinker whose powerful quotes continue to inspire and challenge us today.
  • Thomas Paine: The Revolutionary Thinker and Author of Common Sense

    Thomas Paine, often called the "Father of the American Revolution," was a revolutionary thinker whose writings ignited the flames of independence in colonial America. His most influential work, "Common Sense," became an instant sensation, reaching a wider audience than any other publication at the time. Paine's powerful arguments resonated with colonists, paving the way for the Declaration of Independence.
  • The Enduring Wisdom of George Washington: Quotes that Shaped a Nation

    Explore the timeless wisdom of George Washington through a collection of his most impactful quotes. From liberty and leadership to perseverance and unity, Washington's words continue to inspire and guide us today.

  • George Washington: The Founding Father and First President of the United States

    George Washington, the "Father of His Country," shaped American history with his leadership and vision. From his humble beginnings to his presidency, his life embodies the spirit of the American Revolution and the ideals of liberty and democracy.